What Makes Me Happy ?

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” ❤️

Can I tell you something ? Can I really be honest with you ? Sometimes, I can’t make up my mind. Sometimes, I don’t even know what I want. But the one thing that I’m sure of is that I want to and have always wanted to be happy with myself. As I’ve grown in life and relationships and experiences,  I’ve made mistakes and I have regrets; a few actually. But, I think we all have a few. That’s what molds us and shapes us, especially if we learn from those mistakes. But what happens when we don’t learn, and we continue to spin in a cycle of defeats and repeats ? What happens when you are just not happy with yourself ? That was happening to me, and I got soooooo tired of it and myself ! Although you may have seen me smiling on the outside, many days I walked around in pain because I was not happy with myself. Have you ever felt like that ?

Well, let me tell you my story.

I’ve always wanted to sing. I thought I was pretty good. But, I was always afraid of what people would think of me and how they would perceive me or if they would even receive me. The thought of rejection controlled me. I allowed that thought process to hold me hostage for years ! It controlled my growth process and it slowed me down tremendously !  I would get up to sing sometimes and couldn’t concentrate because I was worried about peoples thoughts who probably weren’t even thinking about me ! I even had panic attacks and fainting spells. Can you believe that ? That dysfunctional behavior continued for years until I got  “sick and tired of being sick and tired (we all know that saying). I was tired of feeling inadequate for not pursuing my dreams to the fullest. I felt like time was passing me by and I was accomplishing NOTHING ! I felt un-fufilled and stuck in a rut. I felt like I was being tortured mentally by my own doing. I was determined to stop the cycle immediately.

One day I made a decision that I was going to be happy; not just happy, but, happy with myself. I promised myself that I would figure out what I wanted and go after it. No more excuses. That was one of the best decisions that I had ever made. That day was one of the best days of my life.

The first thing I did was to get a notebook that I could keep with me to list thoughts, random notes,  goals and to-do lists. I then made a list of goals, set up timelines and wrote down what I really wanted to achieve no matter how crazy and far fetched it sounded or seemed. I didn’t wait until the beginning of the week or New Year’s Day to start this new plan of thinking. I started on that day. And finally, I began to release some of the negative thoughts that I had about myself to free myself from bondage. I realized that I was creating a lot of my own anxiety !

I can tell you today, I am actually happy and I’ve wanted this for a long time.  I am a work in progress and I am enjoying the process of becoming a better and happier person.

So I ask you today, be kind to people and love people because we never know what inner battles they are fighting inside.

So, what makes me happy ? Me……..😉

#Beth #DaughterofaFunkBrother

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